E-Commerce Customer Charter

In all our products offered through our e-commerce platform, we guarantee to safeguard the following Bill of Rights of Policyholders under Insurance Commission Circular Letter No. 2016-30:

  1. Right to a financially sound and viable insurance company. Policyholders shall have the right to an insurance company that is financially stable and solvent to ensure its ability to honor its contractual obligations to its policyholders.
  2. Right to access insurance companies' official financial information. Policyholders shall have the right to access insurance companies' audited financial statements and annual reports.
  3. Right to be informed of the license status of insurance companies, intermediaries and Soliciting agents. Policyholders shall have the right to be informed if a particular insurance company, intermediary or soliciting agent is duly licensed to engage in doing insurance business in the Philippines.
  4. Right to be offered a duly approved insurance product. Only duly approved insurance products in accordance with the lnsurance Code and pertinent regulations shall be offered.
  5. Right to be informed of the benefits, exclusions and other provisions under the policy. Policyholders shall have the right to be informed of the benefits, exclusions and all other provisions of the policy.
  6. Right to receive the policy. Policyholders shall have the right to receive the policy within a reasonable period of time after payment of premium.
  7. Right to confidentiality of information. Policyholders shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure of personal, financial and other confidential information by insurance companies, intermediaries and soliciting agents, except as otherwise allowed by law, regulations or valid court or government order.
  8. Right to efficient service from insurance companies, intermediaries and soliciting agents. Policyholders shall have the right to timely and prompt delivery of service from insurance companies, intermediaries and soliciting agents.
  9. Right to prompt and fair settlement of claims. lnsurance companies shall process and settle policyholders' claims with utmost good faith and within a reasonable period. Policyholders shall have the right to: (i) receive a written acknowledgement of the claim; (ii) prompt payment of valid claims within the period prescribed under the lnsurance Code or pertinent regulations; or, (iii) receive a written denial of claim with the stated ground and/or basis thereof.
  10. Right to seek assistance from the lnsurance Commission. Policyholders shall have the right to seek assistance in settling any controversy between an insurance company, intermediary or soliciting agent and policyholder. Policyholders shall have the right to: (i) report any wrongful act or omission of an insurance company, intermediary or soliciting agent; (ii) file a complaint against any insurance company for unreasonable denial of a valid insurance claim; and, (iii) institute action against any erring insurance company, intermediary and soliciting agent for any of the grounds provided under the lnsurance Code and other pertinent regulations.


When you enter the e-commerce site of The Insular Life Assurance Company, Ltd. (Insular Life), we are committing to you the following:

    • We have in our custody the information you have indicated in your insurance application form and the information about your insurance policy contract. Insular Life respects the privacy of your personal and policy information.
    • We value our relationship with you and we ensure that this relationship is imbued with utmost good faith, trust and confidence. As such, we work hard to maintain your privacy. Moreover, we are very careful to preserve the fiduciary nature of our relationship with you. While the very nature of our business sometimes requires that we collect or share certain information about you with others, we make sure that you consent to our handling and protection of your personal and policy information.
    • Below are our policies and procedures for collecting and disclosing personal information:
      • We may collect non-public personal information about you from:
        • Applications or other forms, interviews, or by other means;
        • Your transactions (both personal and online) with us, or others;
        • Our Internet website.
      • Any information we collect about you is used only:
        • To underwrite insurance;
        • To administer your policy or claim;
        • As permitted by law;
        • As authorized by you.
      • Some disclosures may be limited to your name, contact details, transaction information with us and other policy information. We may disclose the information we collect with selected employees, agents and associates, subsidiaries, affiliates, medical information sharing facility of the insurance industry and third parties who use these information to perform their functions to provide you policy services. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with legal standards to guard your personal information.
      • We may also disclose the information we collect, within legal limitations, to:
        • Insurance Commission;
        • Bureau of Internal Revenue;
        • Anti-Money Laundering Council;
        • Securities and Exchange Commission; or
        • Other government agencies as required or permitted by law.
      • We require anyone with whom we disclosed your personal information to protect it. We also require that they use it solely for the purpose for which it was disclosed. Otherwise, we do not share any personal information about our customers or former customers unless authorized by the customer or as permitted by law.

    We shall process information about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By using the website, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you are accurate.

    To keep your information safe and secure, all transactions are protected by SSL encryption. Insular Life uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that encrypts usernames, passwords and other transmitted information before they leave your computer. This transforms the information that passes through your computer to our server into an unreadable format and converts back to its original form when it safely reaches us. Its fast and safe and it ensures that your personal information cannot be read by anyone else.

    • We will endeavor to make the website available 24/7. However, we cannot be liable if, for any reason, the website is unavailable for any time or for any period. Due to the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that your access to the Website will be uninterrupted, timely or error-free. Further, we may need to conduct repairs and maintenance or introduce new facilities and functions from time to time.
    • The website may not be compatible with all hardware and software which you may use. We shall not be liable for damage to, or viruses or other code that may affect, any computer equipment, software, data or other property as a result of your access to or use of the website or your obtaining any material from, or as a result of using, the website. We shall also not be liable for the actions of third parties.
    • We will endeavor to ensure that information and materials on the website are correct, complete, accurate, up-to-date, and fit for a particular purpose.
    • We reserve the right to change any portion in the website; add to, modify or remove any of the provisions at any time without prior notice.


The following shall assist and guide you on the process of availing our products through this website:

  1. In order for you to use the site, you must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card issued by a bank or credit or debit card company or other payment methods acceptable to us.
  2. You are responsible for all access to the Website through your Internet connection and for bringing these Terms to the attention of all such persons.
  3. You are responsible to read and understand all the product description, features, limitations and exclusions of the product you have chosen before you purchase.

  1. If you are applying for or availing of any of the insurance products offered on this website, you will need to provide us with your name, address, email address and other applicable personal information.
  2. In providing such personal information, you are authorizing Insular Life to use the same personal information to evaluate your application and to contact you for questions and additional details regarding your application.
  3. The email address that you will provide us should be a valid personal email address that you access regularly, as this will be the same and official email address that we will use to send you notifications, important advisories regarding your application, and information emails such as Company newsletters, events, product offers, etc.
  4. All details that you will provide to us for the purpose of purchasing the product / plan from us must be correct, and that the credit or debit card, or account or other payment method which you use is your own or that of an immediate family member’s (if allowed), and that there are sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the cost of the product / plan. We reserve the right to obtain validation of your payment details before providing you with the insurance policy.

  1. We shall request for additional data and documents to complete your application and for us to issue your insurance policy. We will not be able to issue your insurance policy until said additional requirements are submitted by you to us.
    1. For online individual life insurance, we may require additional requirements which will include a duly accomplished full application form, Data Privacy Statement (DPS) and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) forms, Customer Portal registration form, and copy of a valid photo-bearing government-issued identification cards, among others. An Insular Life representative shall get in touch with you via your email address and/or contact number/s for questions and additional details regarding said requirements. Your printable and downloadable policy contract will be sent to you via email within three (3) working days from date of completion of application.
    2. For online group life insurance, you will receive an email containing the link to provide your details before you can activate your account. Your proof of cover will be sent to you via email within twenty four (24) hours upon completion of application.
  2. You have the option to save the soft copy of the policy contract or proof of cover for your reference or request for a hard copy, at cost.
  1. Cancellations of insurance cover will only be allowed if specifically indicated in the policy contract or proof of cover and within the allowed timeframe indicated.
  2. For cancellation requests/inquiries, please refer to your contract or Proof of Cover (POC) for the applicable service unit to contact or call our customer care hotline at 8878-1818. We will advise you of the steps to be taken or legal forms (including electronic forms) to be accomplished and submitted to amend your policy in accordance with your instructions.
  3. If your request is received within the cancellation period, you will receive a notification letter and/or email confirming cancellation of your insurance cover.


Inquiries, Claims, or Other Servicing Concerns

Please refer to your policy contract or proof of cover for the applicable service unit to contact or you may reach out to any of our customer experience platforms below:

  • Call (632) 8876-1-800 or Toll Free: 1-800-10-INSULAR (4678527) for information about your insurance policy and service facilities.
  • Email us at services@insular.com.ph for feedback, comments/inquiries and other requests.
  • Visit us at any of our offices nationwide. We are open to serve you Mondays-Fridays from 7am – 4pm at the Insular Life Corporate Centre, Head Office or 8am to 5pm at all our branches nationwide. Please visit our corporate website at www.insularlife.com.ph to locate a branch nearest you.
  • Visit our corporate website at www.insularlife.com.ph


Insular Life is a life insurance company duly registered and regulated by the Insurance Commission (IC) of the Philippines.

The IC, with offices in Manila, Cebu and Davao, is the government office in charge of the enforcement of all laws relating to insurance and has supervision over insurance companies. This office is ready at all times to render assistance in settling any controversy between an insurance company and a policy owner relating to insurance matters. For more information, visit www.insurance.gov.ph

  1. Declaration

    I understand that this insurance is issued based on the above statements, which I represent are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize any physician, hospital, clinic or other medically-related facility to furnish Insular Life with any information concerning my medical history and physical condition. I understand that the policy will not be in force until I have made the first premium payment.

  2. Data Privacy Statement

    I understand that as a financial institution, Insular Life is subject to existing and future government regulations. I therefore agree to be bound by all applicable domestic and international laws in relation to any matter including but not limited to anti-money laundering, tax monitoring and data privacy. In this connection, I authorize Insular Life to process my personal and sensitive personal information including but not limited to its collection, use, disclosure or destruction. I likewise give my consent to Insular Life to share such information to its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, medical information sharing facility of the insurance industry and third parties for any legitimate purpose, including but not limited to underwriting and administration of insurance coverage and claims and provision of any products, service or offers. I hold Insular Life free and harmless from any liability that may arise from any collection, use, disclosure, destruction or sharing of said information.

  3. Medical Information Database

    In accordance with the Insurance Commission’s Circular Letter No. 2016-54, your medical information will be uploaded to a Medical Information Database accessible to life insurance companies for the purpose of enhancing risk assessment and preventing fraud.

    Once uploaded, all life insurance companies will only have limited access to your information in order to protect your right to privacy in accordance with law. A copy of Circular Letter No. 2016-54 may be accessed at the Insurance Commission’s website at www.insurance.gov.ph.

Fraud Warning

It is unlawful for a person to (a) present or cause to be presented any fraudulent claim for the payment of a loss under a contract of insurance, and (b) fraudulently prepare, make or subscribe any writing with intent to present or use the same, or to allow it to be presented in support of any claim. Such acts shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding twice the amount claimed or imprisonment of two (2) years, or both, at the discretion of the court. (Section 251, Insurance Code, as amended).